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Infographic: Magento Usage Statistics. Everything you Wanted to Know about the Most Popular Ecommerce Platform

Digital Marketing
April 23, 2015
9 min

In a markets space that is competed fiercely, 26% market share says a lot about the potency of Magento as a web store platform, and the trust it enjoys from users and members of the community. Magento has a lot of benefits a web business owner can ask for a smart checkout, integrated payments, marketing tools, customer support and CRM functionalities. Having started in 2008, it’s commendable how Magento has enjoyed 5mn+ downloads by 2014 end. Check out some important facts about Magento platform visualized in the infographic below.

The infographic is the courtesy of and If want to gain more insights about how efficient a Magento platform could be, don’t hesitate to ask us.

Shopify e-commerce platform overview

Written by
Julia Yatsenko

Head of the Research & Development at Promodo

April 23, 2015
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