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Branded Traffic: Why It’s Crucial For eCommerce and How To Increase It

December 2, 2019
16 min

Branded traffic can bring twice as many conversions as regular traffic. However, not every online store is running ad campaigns on branded queries or even try to enhance brand awareness at all. Ilona Bagdasarova, a PPC specialist at Promodo, explains what brand traffic is, whether an eCommerce business needs it and how to increase its volume.

What is Branded Traffic

Branded traffic refers to the number of visitors who directly search using your brand's name. It's the traffic generated when users specifically type keywords related to your company, like its name, into a search engine. This type of traffic reflects direct brand interest and is crucial for assessing brand recognition and user engagement.

To understand branded traffic meaning, recollect, for example, “Pandora,” “Pandora Ring,” “Pandora Jewelry.” Usually, these visitors are already familiar with company products, and therefore, they are more likely to make a purchase.

Why branded traffic is important

Think about how often you seek advice from friends or colleagues when searching for a particular item. People are always much more willing to choose trustworthy and reliable products. Customers who feel an emotional connection with a brand have three times as much LTV (life-time value). For market giants, website branded traffic attracts about 40% of clients, and sometimes even more.

Branded Traffic Benefits

High Conversion Rate. Users who came to your website using branded queries are the most loyal. They are already familiar with your company and visit your website for a specific purpose.

A High Click-Through-Rate. Usually, it is about 40% and sometimes higher. Customers purposefully search for your particular website.

What is Branded Traffic in SEO:

  • Your website will always be in the top list for branded queries, regardless of any changes in search engine ranking algorithms;
  • Branded traffic can increase your CTR, website attendance and user returns, which  has a positive impact on your positions in the organic search result;
  • Your website can catch multiple positions for branded queries since search engine algorithms will discover the high level of its relevance;
  • Along with the growth of branded traffic, direct website visits grow too;
  • Search engines algorithms will positively evaluate the number of direct website traffic and increase your position in the organic search results.

How to Prevent Website Traffic Loss

One of the methods to get additional traffic is to create search ads, using competitors’ queries. Thus a user will see the ad first, and only after – the rest of the search list. Using this, your competitors can lure users to their websites.


To avoid this unpleasant situation, you need to create your Google Ads ad campaign for branded queries. These ads will take first positions, and a price per click will be low since the system will give preference to your ad as the most relevant during the ad auction.

Sometimes users may type your brand name with mistakes, and can’t find your website in the search results. Contextual ads can cope with this issue. Creating an advertising campaign for your search queries with errors, you will get back all lost views.

How to Increase Branded Traffic

Run media ads. Display advertising is a type of contextual advertising that helps to increase brand awareness and attract new users to your website. Through media campaigns, you can create a demand for your product or service and increase brand awareness.

You can target your display ads by users’:

  • interest in certain products or services;
  • location;
  • age;
  • gender group;
  • interests and behavior;
  • type of device.

A message that attracts users’ attention, sparks interest and demonstrates your brand advantages, is the main thing in display advertising. After a certain time, it should cause a positive association with the brand. Display advertising performs excellently for both little-known and popular brands.

If you have doubts about launching contextual advertising using brand queries, run a simple brand traffic cannibalization test to find out your ITR (incremental traffic ratio). It is a share of additional sessions received from the ads for your branded queries. For example, if ITR is 70%, it means that contextual advertising took only 30% of traffic from SEO, and 70% of clicks were new.

Social Media Marketing

Instagram audience in the UK exceeded the mark of 24  million people, the number of Brits visiting Facebook at least once a month is over 36.34 million. Social media is an additional opportunity for your brand to communicate with a wider audience. With targeted advertising, you’ll be able to reach new users and introduce your company to a large number of customers.

Many consumers are looking for products and information on social networks. If you want to attract their attention, create pages with high-quality, attractive and exciting content. Thanks to the placement of useful and interesting publications on Rozetka social media profiles, we managed to achieve an 88% growth in revenue from the channel.

YouTube Marketing

Internet users are constantly looking for new knowledge, good music, and news. They watch 1 billion hours of YouTube videos every day. Content placement on YouTube is also a great opportunity to attract new customers and introduce your company.

Edgar Dale’s research showed that people can recall only 10% of the information they read and about 50% of the information they saw and heard two weeks ago. This once again proves the importance of video content. We would recommend you to create a YouTube channel and publish video reviews on new products or webinars that will validate your expertise and commercials.

Crowd Marketing

This is a kind of hidden marketing that is used to communicate with potential customers (responses to comments, reviews, and recommendations in blogs, social networks, and forums).

The purpose of this type of promotion is to introduce your brand to the intended audience, create a brand reputation and attract additional traffic to your website.

External Content Marketing

You can post your content (articles, case studies, reviews on new products) on third-party blogs and media to expand your audience reach. When choosing a website, pay attention to such important points as:

  • A website theme should be relevant to your product or service.
  • The website should have a fairly high level of traffic and a good reputation;
  • Examine editorial and publishing policies.

Your Brand Information on Directories

Thematic or local catalogs, where you can place information about your company with a website link for free, can also provide free targeted traffic, and increase brand awareness.

Google Business Listing

You can add photos, news, information about your company, route, phone numbers, and other data in your Google My Business account. When customers search for your brand, information about your company will be displayed on the right side of the search results screen.

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We would also recommend to track your user reviews and ratings. This will help your potential customers build confidence in your brand.

Offline Marketing

Offline marketing is a traditional promotion method that allows you to interact with a wide but indifferent audience. It is relevant for online businesses focused on a specific region.There are five types of offline advertising:

  • Outdoor advertising;
  • Print advertising;
  • TV and radio advertising;
  • Distribution of leaflets;
  • Participation in thematic events.

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How to Analyze the Volume of Branded Traffic

The number of brand queries can be analyzed with The Serpstat service, Google Ads keyword planner or Yandex WordStat. But this analysis will not reveal the number of users that have clicked on your website. To get this information, you can link Google Analytics with your Search Console account.

Also, you can create an advertising campaign on Google Ads. This will help you to follow the number of clicks and ads for your brand queries.

Use the mentioned above methods to increase recognition and take your brand to the next level. But do not forget that after attracting users you need to work on their retention since long-term relationships with your customers are the key to successful brand building.

Written by
Ilona Bagdasarova

PPC Specialist at Promodo

December 2, 2019
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