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Ecommerce business strategies: Google Plus for Business Marketing

Digital Marketing
September 2, 2015
5 min

Google Plus is a social network created by Google. The peculiarity of this social media is its close connection to all the other Google services, including Google for Business, YouTube, Google Maps, Google Analytics and others. Such a comprehensive approach provides you with an opportunity to not only enter relevant business information, but also to get higher search results within the Google Search.

How to create a google plus business page?

First, let us divide Google Plus Personal Profile and Business Profile. Though, they are pretty much similar in basic categories and both can be used, and are worth using, for your business – they still have some features. Personal Profile is created for your personal connections, while business Profile can become a great tool to interact with your consumers. Use the opportunity to create circles and to share definite content within a specified targeted audience combined in a circle.

Here you can find the information on how to create a Google Plus Business Page.

Google plus social media strategy

Among the most common tips on how to use Google Plus for Small Businesses there are:

      1. Geo-locate your business

Indicate all the necessary information when filling up your profile to mark your business on Google Maps.

      2. Use Collections.

Collections is a new feature similar to Pinterest, launced on May 5, 2015 – it will help you to visualize your business.

      3. Use Google Hangouts

Google Plus Hangouts is a Skype-like feature for video conferences, where up to 10 users can video-chat with each-other,collaboratively use Google Docs and watch Youtube videos in a real time.

To interact with more than ten people simultaneously you can use Google Hangouts on Air. This tool will allow you to broadcast live public discussions, webinars, service sessions, experts’ interviews and contests to your circles.

      4. Examine Google+ Ripples

Google Plus Ripples is a tool to help you to find out how your content is spread and, accordingly, what content is the most valuable. To view ripples click on the right af a post.

google plus 2

You will get a picture showing all the shares of your content, users’ comments and some statistics. You can use this information to get more from your posts.

google plus 3

      5. Use formatting

*word* to make it look bold ,

_word_ to make it  italics ,

-word- to strike .

      6. Stay connected

Join Google+ Communities and create your own.

One of the interesting Communities for you might be The Google Plus for Small Business Community where Small businesses owners share their experiences.

      7. Use Mentions

On Google the “mention sign” similar to @ is +. To mention someone or create a tag type +name and choose among the people Google offered you form your friend list.

google plus 1

The + symbol feature also works in Google Search. Type +name of the person or company and it will send you to the Google plus page of mentioned person or company.

      8. Use Hashtags

The use of hashtags will help you get higher ranks in Google Search. For instance, if your post is about social media marketing for small businesses: the use of Google +, by using #googleplusforbusiness hashtag you will make your content more visible in a search.

      9. Use keywords for searches

You can search Google Plus using keywords related to your industry, brand, concrete product or service etc. It will allow you to find all the content shares and related comments and to track changes. To make it more convenient Search Engine offers you a tool to save your search, so that you do not need to create it once again.

Google Plus is a rapidly growing social media. It is still not that much wide-spread as Facebook or Twitter, but we recommend you to pay attention to this network as Google services more and more influence our lives. Start exploring the stories on how businesses are using Google + to get inspired by this huge community and become a part of it.

Learn more on FAQs about Google Plus with the Small Business Guide to Google +.

Written by
Nataliia Raskopa

PR & Marketing Manager at Promodo

I am a former journalist and an ardent follower of the "Cut to the chase" principle.

Together with Promodo's marketing team, I tell about the most interesting things in the world of Ukrainian digital. No stories of successful success – only tips, figures, and working case studies from the leading performance marketing agency. By the way, I talk about our failures as well.

September 2, 2015
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