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Why People Turn Trending Searches Off?

Digital Marketing
January 24, 2023
14 min

With 92.96% of online traffic coming from Google, we have reached the point when there is no need for trend hunting: it is now when trends are hunting us.

Ever since advertising, marketers are finding ways and gimmicks to clickbait us into their ads and content.

While Google is aware of our behavioral patterns and preferences, the artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms instantly accumulate the most relevant data to make us engaged.

Once Google has spotted your interest in fashion designs, be sure to receive the most trending content in seconds.

However, as part of an overreaching trend exposure, more and more internet users are turning trending searches off.

Trending searches defined

Top Google Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) are where we see which searches are trending.

Whenever we type in the Google search bar, we spot related topics underneath. These are trending searches that show us the most popular topics people search for online.

Google retrieves this data from a vast array of sources: news outlets, blogs, and social media sites among others. These sources highlight the most popular topics that eventually come as trending searches to us.

Trending searches also show us what’s popular online right now. Whenever there is breaking news, we are sure to see it on the first page of a Google search.

While the analysis of daily search trends shows our best interests and preferences online, AI categorizes search rankings.

Daily search trends highlight the most popular searches within the past 24 hours. Google’s AI algorithms update online trends every hour.

Google shows us the most popular searches by spotting:

  •        Our geographical location
  •        Our social interests
  •        Global trends we are most interested in, and
  •        Popular topics among people with similar interests to ours or “people also search for.”

The girl with laptop

Most importantly, Google relies on our personal search histories to compile trending searches. This is to say, whatever we search online, Google marks it as trending to us.

This is how Google highlights the most relevant things to engage our interest. And that is why we see all the related searches as trending.

The search engine will support “how to write an article” with related queries asked by other people like “what makes a good article,” or “5 tips for article writing.”

In addition, Google boosts our interest with the most popular topic-related videos.

The problem is

More often than not, we do not want to associate our personal search histories with what is trending now.

Pop-ups and other means of trend-sharing have cultivated frustrating experiences and eventually made us hate online advertising.

As a proper response, some 80 percent of users rely on ad blockers to get rid of annoying and intrusive ads.

Are you among them?

By turning trending searches off, we improve our user experiences

We are getting less exposed to what Google offers us as trending. Highly annoying and distracting experiences discourage us from viewing the most relevant data offered by Google, no matter how trending it may sound.

While trending searches show us what is popular online, we tend to turn them off.

Woman with laptop

While we value privacy and want to keep our browsing histories private, we do not want search engines to track our every move online. To avoid the frustration of data tracking and being monitored by AI, we turn trending features off.

And, there is much more to that!

On the flip side

The big question here is to what extent we’ve got stuck with popular trends.

At the first glance, trending searches seem to cultivate enhanced user experiences online.

However, while Google is ‘benefiting’ us with trends exposure, pretty soon we get sunk in information chaos.

Obviously, an overview of Google trending searches does a great job for marketers who:

  •        analyze our online behaviors,
  •        engage more visitors to their websites,
  •        receive more followers, and
  •        make more profits online.

On the other side of the fence, an overwhelming majority of users find emerging online trend notifications as cluttering, interruptive and disruptive.

Do not disturb

Human nature recognizes interruption among the core disturbing experiences. The internet is the case when curiosity killed the cat. Still, our inner sense is prone to reveal the mystery. When we turn to something as special as the last World Cup winner, Google’s AI immediately bugs us with the trending search options.

Browsing Google

This is rather annoying because every interruption distracts us from what we really need online. Over time, disrupting content makes us outraged. According to Google, 74% of mobile users are annoyed with the ads and pop-ups that interrupt their access to content.

Distracted to death

With an ever-decreasing attention span, we are prone to all possible distractions. Along with instant messenger notifications, phone calls, online ads, flashing animations, and pop-ups, we’ve been distracted all the way around.

Trending searches play a crucial role among major distracters. We feel it while watching every YouTube video unless someone uses a paid free-of-ads version.

The most relevant trends that match our individual user experiences will appear in the right-hand panel right after we’ve filled in a search bar. AI automatically generates the best video content to make you see more.

Distracted with side ads, YouTube videos also invite us to see more from the same channel.

Clutter hurts

With all respect to Google as a global top search engine, there is abundant data the search engine generates along with marketers and advertisers.

From the stance of an average user, it is quite clear why more and more people are turning trending searches off. While they are marketers’ bread and butter, we’ve had enough data Google offers us as relevant.

Woman is wondering

Cluttered with trends, ads, and everything else that may catch our eye, Google is about to turn into a global data garbage. Having reached the point when trends are following us, we are over-consuming the available information both trending and not.

Our expert says

Vladyslav Trishkin, the Senior SEO Expert at Promodo, emphasizes privacy and security as the major reasons why most users are turning trending searches off:

“Google does its best to match our individual queries at the point when we are filling in the search bar. The system further uses customized results to designate the most trending searches. Google will further enhance its algorithms and functions to align user behavior with the top search results.”

What’s at stake

While Google enjoys the lead in search-friendly web content, we add new search experiences to our daily connected activities.

This may come as a lifetime opportunity for marketers to boost organic promotions and paid search ads. However, as average users, we have a different story to share.

Eventually, an overreaching trend exposure generated a tiresome effect. On a psycho-emotional level, we do not want to be the first to hear the breaking news or follow the trends 24/7.

We do not even want to hear from Danny Sullivan about “How to get the most out of Google Search” anymore or use Google’s Advanced Search option to get more data even though it’s so much trending.

We want to feel relaxed and calm to maintain a proper work-life balance. We want to lead our lifestyles free of ever-growing notifications from instant messengers and all those hyped trends that often do not relate to our lives at all. With that, we will have more time for ourselves and the people we love.

The more Google tracks our online search behaviors, the more we will save our privacy. The more Google insists on our using voice assistants and image recognition tools to find lookalike products and content, the more we will ignore branded and trending offers.

For privacy’s sake, we will also be deleting our search histories and items from the search list.

It comes as no surprise that we will be turning trending searches off in 2023 and beyond!

Written by
Taras Bereza

Content Marketing Manager at Promodo

Taras has 16 years of hands-on copywriting experience overseas with 3000+ unique copies.

Accredited with Certificate of Proficiency in English (C2 level) by Cambridge University. Studied at Writing Launch Academy (United States) and owns an Academic Writing Certificate from Oregon University. Author of 12 dictionaries with Apriori Publishers.

January 24, 2023
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