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2024 HealthCare Digital Marketing Benchmarks

March 22, 2024
15 mins

Average stats showcase a growing amount of Google searches with healthcare intent. That alone opens a plethora of digital marketing opportunities for your healthcare business: 

💉 More than 7% of daily searches on Google are healthcare-related, which amounts to over 70,000 searches every minute or more than 1b. a day. 

💉 77% of people rely on search engines before booking an appointment with a healthcare provider.

You are welcome to download more Healthcare Marketing Benchmarks for 2024 at the right sidebar of this page.

Essential Marketing Metrics in Healthcare

1. Marketing Budget

In 2023 healthcare players have increased their marketing budgets by up to 7% of their annual revenue. In the realms of the intensifying competitive landscape, this percentage is about to grow exponentially. 

2. Cost Per Lead (CPL)

The cost per lead (CPL) is the money you spend on generating a lead. 

A sound CPL across the industries is below $100

Media & Publishing$11$25
Industrial & Manufacturing$26$50
Travel & Tourism$26$50
Consumer products$26$50
IT and Services$51$100
Marketing services$51$100
Financial services$51$100
Cost Per Lead by Industries

CPL precedes patient acquisition cost and is about how much you should spend to get clicks to your healthcare website. 

Top healthcare players achieve CPL of $30.

3. Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) in Healthcare Industry

Patient acquisition cost embraces all marketing expenses to acquire a single patient. CAC indicates the effectiveness of your marketing and sales efforts is the average cost you spend on acquiring a new patient. 

🚑 The average CAC for healthcare organizations varies from $300 to $1,000

The lower your customer acquisition cost than a patient's lifetime value, the better.

4. Net Promoter Score (NPS)

A metric that measures the likelihood of a patient recommending a healthcare organization to others. 

🚑 The average NPS for healthcare organizations stands around 70-80%

5. Sales Cycle Length

Healthcare organizations close sales in 6–12 months.

6. Patient Lifetime Value (CLV)

On average, a patient brings about $10,000-$20,000 to a healthcare organization over their lifetime.

7. Customer Churn Rate

The churn rate metric signals the percentage of patients who’ve quit a healthcare organization. The metric, therefore, indicates the success of your patient retention efforts. 

🚑 The average churn rate across the healthcare industry is as low as 3-5%

8. Conversion Rate (CVR)

Conversion rate indicates the percentage of leads your organization has converted into patients. 

🚑 On average, CVR is 10-15% for healthcare organizations

9. Win Rate

Win (close) rate marks the percentage of customers you convert compared to the number of leads you generate.

🚑 Digital marketing benchmarks for win rate are about 3.43%

10. Return on investment (ROI)

ROI marks the gross revenue you’ve generated for every dollar spent. 

The average ROI benchmark for healthcare providers in 2024 is benchmarked at 3.62

Digital Marketing Benchmarks for Healthcare

While 72% of patients are ready to book an appointment online, mere 10% are doing so!

Search Engine Optimization in Healthcare

💉 72% of healthcare marketers prioritize content creation as the most effective SEO approach

💉 50% of healthcare organizations are planning their SEO budget in advance

💉 70% of healthcare marketers report the growth of their website traffic owing to SEO.

The Growth of Organic Sessions

Healthcare PPC Benchmarks

💉 Paid search ads are the most convertible in the healthcare industry at 2.6%, which is higher than display ads and social media ads.

💉 Healthcare organizations spend about $51,000 a month on paid search advertising

💉 67% of healthcare marketers rely on Facebook Ads 

🚑 With 2.6%, paid search ads are the most convertible in the healthcare industry 

Traffic from Search and Social Ads
Search Ads vs. Social Ads

Cost per click (CPC) in the Healthcare Industry

Cost per click (CPC) is about dividing your search ad campaign budget by the number of clicks you’ve got.

With an all-industry CPC average of $4.22, CPC across the healthcare industry varies from the lowest one shown by Health Clubs & Gyms at $3.16 to the highest one shown by Dentists & Dental Services at $6.69 respectively.

Cost per Lead (CPL)

The average CPL (aka. cost per relationship) benchmarked across industries was $119.34 in 2023. That’s the average ad campaigners spent on acquiring a lead by dividing total spend by total conversions. 

The healthcare businesses with the lowest CPLs are Hospitals & Clinics at $32.14 vs. the highest CPLs in Cosmetic Surgery at $134.29, which marks an average healthcare industry CPL of $53.53.

Recently, there’s been a significant increase in CPL due to inflation, supply chains, and fluctuating economic climate.

Click-through rate (CTR)

Click-through rate (CTR) is calculated by dividing total clicks by total ad impressions. 

While the industry’s CTR ranges from Health Clubs & Gyms at 7.35% to Addiction Recovery at 4.63%, CTRs across most healthcare subcategories surpass an all-industries CTR average of 6.11%. 

The average CTR for medical practice PPC campaigns is 3.27%, which amounts to 3.27 of every 100 people who click on an ad. With that, running your PPC ad campaign for at least 90 days is crucial to make it mature and allow Google’s algorithms to take full effect.

Cost per Mille (CPM)

Cost per mille (CPM) is the rate you pay for one thousand ad views. A sound all-industry benchmark for CPM on Facebook or Google is $7.66 per thousand impressions. That’s a fixed rate you pay for every one thousand times your ad is shown to users, regardless of whether they take any specific action.

Conversion Rate (CVR)

CVR gauges how many clicks on your ad have converted users into patients.

Ranging from the highest conversion rate at Hospitals & Clinics 12.33% to the lowest CVR in Personal Fitness Trainers 3.60% much depends on search intent and the ever-changing landscape of search engine results pages (SERPs). 

Lead Conversion Rate (LCR)

LCR (aka. relationship conversion rate, RCR) is about how many people who clicked on your Google search ads have taken action and turned into your patients. With that, you’ll know:

💉 The number of people who have converted directly from the ad through the click-to-call 

💉 The number of people who have converted from the landing page linked to your ad

💉 The number of people who have visited your website after viewing the ad.

The average all-industry LCR is benchmarked at 4.63%

The average LCR for medical practice is 3.36%, while top performers manage to score 5.31% owing to: 

💉 Strong web content

💉 Strong landing page copy and structure

💉 Proven messaging 

💉 Calls to action

💉 Robust patient engagement

💉 Following a patient pathway toward conversion. 

Email Marketing Benchmarks in Healthcare

Email Open Rate

Email Open Rate - track the percentage of recipients who open your emails to measure the effectiveness of your subject lines and email content. 

💉 Email open rate across the healthcare industry varies from 21.12% to 22.66%.

💉 The open rate for healthcare emails with personalized subject lines is 26% higher. 

Click-through Rate (CTR)

Click-Through Rate (CTR) - monitor the percentage of recipients who click on links within your emails to assess your email content’s engagement level and effectiveness. 

💉 CTR in healthcare currently varies from 2.07% to 2.69% 

💉 CTR for segmented healthcare email campaigns is 100.95% higher

💉 Healthcare emails with videos increase CTR by up to 300%. 

Bounce Rate

The healthcare industry average bounce rate benchmark is as low as 2%.


Email Conversion Rate - calculate the percentage of recipients who take a desired action after receiving your email to see how far your email campaigns drive conversions.

💉 You’ll increase email conversions in healthcare by 74% if you leverage professionally written follow-up emails

💉 You’ll increase email conversions in healthcare if you manage to send three abandoned cart emails.

Social Media Benchmarks in Healthcare

Social media marketing is of prime importance for healthcare businesses. This is not only because patients are spending a lion's share of their daytime on popular social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, and Twitter.

Social media channels affect patients’ choice of healthcare provider or medical facility. The overwhelming majority rely on online reviews and recommendations when it comes to enhanced treatment. More than that, 72% trust 4-star reviews and higher. With that, 79% of patients expect a response from healthcare providers within 24 hours.  

Healthcare social media benchmarks:

💉 36 m. is the average number of social media impressions 

💉912K is the average number of social media engagements

💉 8.255 is the average number of net gained followers.

The engagement rae of 1% and about isa sound indicator across the industries.

Mobile Marketing in Healthcare

With the ultimate focus on patient-centered care, personalization of healthcare services, and transparency, patients want to have more control over their day-to-day health activities with easy access to accurate medical information. 

In 2024 and beyond, digital health development will exceed patient expectations by attaining a higher level of clinical engagement. 

Healthcare apps provide users with health-related services: 

💉 Live chats

💉 Online consultations

💉 Scheduling appointments

💉 Getting prescriptions

💉 Sending payments.

mHealth Apps

mHealth apps ensure a genuinely personalized patient treatment. 

By 2032, the mHealth mrket will surpass $20 billion.

💉 In 2024, the global mHealth app market will reach $68.77 billion 

💉 By 2025, people will download 8.6 billion healthcare apps worldwide 

💉Google Play Store provides 52,000 healthcare and medical apps 

💉 There are more than 53,000 mHealth apps on the Apple App Store 

💉 30% of American adults are daily using health-tracking apps. 

Owing to mobile apps and innovative tech solutions, millions of patients are benefiting from healthcare services while staying home. 

So far, mobile devices have set a new tone of connectivity with patients, which indicates the importance of integrating mHealth apps in your multichannel and omnichannel marketing strategies.

Wrapping Up

In marketing terms, healthcare is among the most dynamically developing industries. More and more businesses are entering this competitive landscape. However, few realize the power of the full-funnel 360* digital marketing

To win competitive advantages and stand out from the crowd, the implementation of effective digital marketing solutions is your must-have to ensure genuine patient-centered treatment. 

It is of prime importance to know your patients, their essential healthcare needs, behaviors, and individual treatment preferences. With this knowledge in mind, you’ll easily track a patient’s journey and optimize your marketing efforts. 

Take these Healthcare Marketing Benchmarks as the median milestones you should reach to score higher outcomes. 

Promodo healthcare marketing experts are here to help you develop and implement a sound 360* digital marketing healthcare strategy.

Let's reach your business goals in healthcare together!
Contact Promodo experts today for
a free consultation.

Written by
Taras Bereza

Content Marketing Manager at Promodo

Taras has 16 years of hands-on copywriting experience overseas with 3000+ unique copies.

Accredited with Certificate of Proficiency in English (C2 level) by Cambridge University. Studied at Writing Launch Academy (United States) and owns an Academic Writing Certificate from Oregon University. Author of 12 dictionaries with Apriori Publishers.

March 22, 2024
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