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A New Level of Custom Google Ads Reports: Adshub by Promodo

February 7, 2024
5 mins

You probably know that in Google Ads, at the Performance Max campaign level, it is impossible to quickly see the percentage of impressions and bids (while Search and Shopping still provide this information). Why is this significant? Because the team cannot quickly assess market demand capacity and decide how much more to invest in a particular category.

To get such a report, you are required to take at least 4 steps. You'll agree that it's not very convenient. However, the situation can be improved with a new custom Google Ads report generator from Promodo - Adshub. What opportunities does the tool provide and how to create the best adwords reports - we'll tell and show through our latest case studies.

Adshub and Bidding Statistics

It all started with Google Ads Performance Max. This is a relatively new type of advertising campaign based on artificial intelligence, which is why it offers very limited opportunities in terms of data analysis.

Until 2023, a type of Smart Shopping campaigns was available that combined the properties of a shopping campaign and dynamic remarketing. It was possible to study bidding statistics in shopping ads at the campaign level. However, this format has ceased to exist. Now, to launch such campaigns, you need to use PMax, where this metric is also available, though, unfortunately, it is well hidden. In addition to the fact that you need to take a lot of steps to get the report, there is no comparison with previous periods in a Performance Max Google Ads report.

*Bidding statistics is a metric that shows information about the number of audiences purchased over a certain period of time.

Despite the many advantages of Performance Max Google Ads for marketers, there are some drawbacks. Our experts had a number of questions about how to automate and simplify their work. And we have found a solution.

Adshub is a unique development of Promodo, a custom tool that allows you to collect all the data and metrics from Google Ads for different client requests on one clear dashboard with minimal effort and time. We have created this tool for one of our clients in the retail industry. Of course, Performance Max Google Ads is the most effective in achieving the goals of advertising campaigns, but it still loses in operational analysis and quick statistics. In order to see some metrics, you need to go to custom Google Ads reports, spend time selecting periods, campaigns, etc. Adshub helps you do everything quickly - view and monitor statistics.

Anastasiia Ilchenko
Senior PPC Specialist at Promodo

PPC custom reports

That is, a custom PPC report generated with Adshub simplifies the workload. Of course, this can be done in an advertising account, but these processes will take much longer and, again, there will be no way to compare periods. Adshub will do it in a few clicks.

For example, in order to get a Google Ads custom reports, you need to:

Custom Google Ads report

Or, there’s another way:

google ads report generator

If we additionally need to compare the numbers by period, it is impossible to do this in Google Ads. But it is possible in Adshub.

How Does Adshub Work?

For one of the advertising campaigns, we select the period from October 2 to October 8 in the report. We see the bidding statistics. For example, one of the competitors bought 89% of the impression audiences for the products used in this campaign during this period, and our client bought 74% of the impressions.

google adwords reporting tools

This report also allows you to compare data with the previous period. You can see the percentage of impressions* and wins from competitors**.

* Percentage of impressions is the total number of audiences that were bought.

** Percentage of wins is the total number of customers who chose our ad over a competitor's.

For example, we can see that the player in the top position had 25% of the winnings for the selected period. The player in the second position is colored. In the previous period, it was 27%. That is, in the current period, they won less against us. On the contrary, player number 3 had an increase, and won 5% more impressions than in the previous period.

Not all major market players analyze auction statistics, although this analysis is critical for those who need to stay in the market and not give in to competitors. For example, there may be two scenarios, depending on the business objectives: either to maintain market positions beyond the profitability or transaction value. Or vice versa - if this product is not critical, you can go down in the auction, but keep ROAS or CPA. Because purchasing the highest positions is always expensive, and it will determine the future strategy.

Anastasiia Ilchenko
Senior PPC Specialist at Promodo

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Written by
Maria Kashina

Content Marketing Manager at Promodo

Written by
Anastasiia Ilchenko

Senior PPC Specialist

More than 7 years in marketing. Experience of working with leading players of Ukrainian retail, western projects. Current lecturer at Promodo Academy on Contextual advertising, targeted advertising and digital marketing courses.

February 7, 2024
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