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Real Estate SEO for Investing: 4 Best Tactics

January 10, 2024
10 mins

All-industry average indicates that organic search constitutes some 53.3% of total website traffic. A substantial share of real estate investors 61% claim that search engine optimization (SEO) outperforms other lead-generation initiatives. In particular, 70% of online marketers assert that SEO surpasses the paid-per-click, PPC strategy in sales generation.

This has been recently proven by our in-house research of the real estate benchmarks for 2024. In particular, the click-through rate (CTR) metric has shown absolute supremacy of organic search results (36.6%) over email marketing (4.9%) and paid ads (1.9%) respectively.

Click-through rate metric

What is SEO in Real Estate Investing?

You may be surprised, but Google sees a staggering 3.5 b. searches every day. This signals a tremendous potential of driving vast volumes of organic traffic to your real estate website. That’s of strategic importance for real estate investors considering that some 68% of online experiences originate from a search engine. 

SEO encompasses a set of tactics and approaches to enhance your website's ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs). With that, the top three results in Google searches capture a substantial 54.4% of all clicks. 

Lead real estate players take SEO as a strategic digital tool to make their websites more visible. High rankings on SERPs help them: 

🏠 Engage with the right audience

🏠 Build authority

🏠 Win more qualified leads. 

Rather than offering you an SEO plan template real estate investing, our experts have highlighted a bunch of the best-fit SEO practices for real estate investors.

Why SEO for Real Estate Investors?

Real estate investing SEO will make your website and real estate listings rank high in search engine results. Once potential buyers or sellers search for properties or real estate services, a solid SEO strategy will ensure your property listings are among the top results.

Reaching out to your target audience effectively: the best-fit SEO practices ensure that you are targeting the right demographics, locations, and user preferences. This means you can tailor your real estate SEO to reach the most relevant audience for your goal, whether residential, commercial, luxury, or other property types.

Building credible online presence and trust: users often consider websites that rank higher in SERPs as more credible and trustworthy. A strong online presence through real estate SEO will help you build authority in your area and win trust with potential clients. And that’s lots of work beyond SEO for real estate investors reviews.

Expanding your client base with increased traffic: effective SEO drives organic traffic to your website. By improving your site and content for relevant keywords, you will attract more visitors interested in real estate and expand your client base.

Providing a smooth user experience: real estate SEO isn’t just about keywords and rankings. It is also about optimizing user experience (UX) on your real estate website and making it well-structured and user-friendly to engage more visitors.

Staying on top of shifting trends: while SEO is an evolving field, keeping up-to-date with SEO trends and the best market practices is essential. It enables you to stay competitive by adapting to the dynamic changes in online search behavior, algorithm updates, and emerging technologies.

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What are SEO Benefits for Real Estate Investing?

Increased Website Traffic

Essentially, as an organic marketing strategy, SEO is all about driving traffic to your website. You’ll win most of the qualified leads whose search intent is about local properties or real estate services. By sustaining high website visibility, you’ll get increased traffic and more qualified leads that will eventually convert into your clients.

Marketing journey

Location-specific Keywords in Real Estate

Specific local keywords and phrases will help you reach potential clients seeking properties in your locale. More than anything else, location-specific keywords attract qualified leads and establish connections with those website visitors who are most likely to convert into your end customers. 

Enhanced User Experience

Search engines like Google mostly favor user-friendly websites with swift loading times, intuitive navigation, and valuable content. Optimizing your website's structure and design enhances functionality, sound visitor navigation, and easy access to real estate information. Positive user experience will not only boost your search engine ranking but also inspire visitors to turn into your clients over time.

Authority and Credibility

With higher rankings on search engine results, you’ll earn credibility and authority in the real estate business. Whenever potential clients spot your website among the top results, they’ll regard you as a reputable and trustworthy source that consistently generates value-driven real estate content. With all that, you’ll gradually establish your brand name as an industry leader and win people’s trust.

This also proves the actuality of ROPO, research online, buy offline, in the real estate domain, while 63% of users start their marketing journey online. 

Some 60% of marketers identify inbound marketing (attracting loyal customers by aligning with the immediate property needs of your target audience) as their most effective source of earning high-quality leads. The commendable 14.6% close rate highlights gross SEO potential in real estate to commercialize organic outreach efforts into conversions and sales. By contrast, outbound leads (cold-calling and direct mail marketing) make a mere 1.7% close rate. More to that, 86% of users disregard paid banner ads, clicking solely on organic search results.

Take real estate SEO services as your strategic marketing investment to enhance your online presence. The advantages of incorporating real estate SEO are more than evident: 

🏠 Heightened online visibility

🏠 Outstanding brand reputation

🏠 Attraction of qualified leads

🏠 Sustained long-term growth.

SEO for Real Estate

Top 4 SEO Practices for Real Estate Investing

Today, we’ve selected the best 4 practices that will help you gain more profits from investing in real estate projects.  

1. Generate Value-driven Content

First off, SEO for real estate investing is not a summertime. The harsh truth about digital marketing is that some 90% of online content fails to engross the conversion curve. That explains why creating content per se is beyond the so much-needed quality to convert prospects into qualified leads and your future clients. 

With some 4.6 b. pieces of content produced daily, only a few market players can break through all the noise. And it’s only going to worsen while AI-generated content is flooding the internet. To stand out from the crowd:

🏠 Connect with your real estate prospects on a deeper level

🏠 Craft content that resonates with customer pain points

🏠 Generate value-driven storytelling that hooks your prospects and makes them act.

2. Boost Local Visibility

While you may think about scaling your real estate business globally, you should always start acting locally. The top priority in SEO promotion is to elevate your digital presence on Google Maps. 

35% of U.S. consumers leverage the Internet to search for local businesses several times a week. With that, location-related queries constitute 30% of all mobile searches. With a mobile-friendly website, you’ll increase the likelihood of reaching out to your local real estate business by 61%. Finally, some 76% of individuals searching for a local business on their mobile phones end up visiting a related business within 24 hours. 

Setting up the Google Business Profile listing will bring you the first local search results. The platform will show your business requisites and core real estate services to your prospects.

3. Optimize Keywords 

Boost your website's visibility in local searches by incorporating relevant local keywords. Do your best to acquire backlinks from top local websites. With that, optimize the content on your site with local-specific keywords associated with real estate and investments. 

Search intent

Most importantly, the keywords throughout your site should match the most popular searches for real estate offers and property management services. This is how the content on your site will perfectly match the actual user intent for real estate within your locale.  

There are numerous examples of popular real estate queries people googled in 2023, ranging from whether one should purchase or lease local property and what home style aligns with one’s annual budget to what should be the size of one’s downpayment or at what point should someone initiate the mortgage application process. Your strategic task here is to leverage digital marketing tools like Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, and Semrush to dive deeper into the most trending search queries across your targeted location. 

Expert opinion: Talking about the best SEO for real estate investing, let’s exemplify ‘distressed investment’ and ‘foreclosure investment’ alternatives in real estate. As a local investor in distressed property transactions, you’ll want to optimize your website for keywords such as "distressed property investor in Orlando." And, once you are the foreclosure investor, you'll propel your site to the top of SERPs with something like “qualified foreclosure investor services in Utah” that will show up whenever local property seekers look for these terms. Rimma Vasylieva, SEO Expert at Promodo.

4. Target the Right Audience 

While reaching out to wider audiences, make sure you target and engage with the right people. The practice of blogging on your site and vlogging through YouTube will help you gain wider acknowledgment as an expert in real estate investment. It is of prime importance to keep your audience informed and captivated about the actual real estate listings and up-to-date developments across your locale.

Continuous presence online will create a sense of permanence and subsequent loyalty to your local brand name. Over time, dedicated followers will recall you Among competition.

Reaching out the right audience, you need to direct your marketing effort to a deeper audience research for

🏠 Demographics

🏠 Work-life balance

🏠 Lifestyle

🏠 Buying behavior

🏠 Annual income rate

🏠 Individual property preferences.

Promodo is Here to Help You

With 19 years of hands-on experience in digital marketing, we have enormous experience in SEO promotion of businesses from a vast array of industries. During the first year of cooperation with Promodo, our clients claim an increase in traffic by +40%.

As for real estate niche, our clients highlight a significant increase in traffic and conversions after the first month of working with Promodo. For example, we increased site traffic by 113% for a real estate business in Turkey. Check out how our SEO experts managed to quadruple the traffic to the real estate site in just 8 months. Check out more inspiring real estate niche success stories by Promodo.

Today is the right time you get to the A-league of real estate investors! 

Grow your real estate business with digital marketing excellence!
Partner with Promodo experts today.
Written by
Taras Bereza

Content Marketing Manager at Promodo

Taras has 16 years of hands-on copywriting experience overseas with 3000+ unique copies.

Accredited with Certificate of Proficiency in English (C2 level) by Cambridge University. Studied at Writing Launch Academy (United States) and owns an Academic Writing Certificate from Oregon University. Author of 12 dictionaries with Apriori Publishers.

Written by
Rimma Vasylieva

SEO Expert at Promodo

January 10, 2024
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